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Our lives are shaped by the stories we tell. This can be beautiful. When we are defined by stories that leave us connected to ourselves, our work, and the people we love, our lives overflow with joy, creativity and serendipity.


Unfortunately, many people have been conditioned to tell themselves stories that don’t serve them.


Through past experiences, old wounds, societal expectations, and repetition, we end up believing fictional stories about ourselves.  We tell ourselves stories of inadequacy and feel defeated before we even enter the arena. We tell ourselves stories of not being enough and struggle to find the courage to ask for what we need in our relationships.  We tell ourselves stories of being flawed, inferior, or incapable, and end up quietly dealing with depression and anxieties.

Often times, we aren’t even aware of the stories we tell ourselves. Or if we are aware, we struggle to find the inner power required to redefine them.

This is where I come in.  I work with clients to help them defeat their inner critics and step into their true story, one that leaves them feeling as though they are enough for themselves, and enough for this world. I love this work.


Though plans of action are tailored specific to each client, using evidence based practices we will:

  • Begin by examining the stories – both conscious and unconscious – that we tell ourselves.

  • We’ll then look at where these stories come from. This is particularly fascinating work and often renders surprising results.

  • If needed, we’ll work together to heal old wounds that have been subtly sabotaging you.

  • Next, piece-by-piece, we’ll begin creating a new – truer – story about yourself or your relationship. These new stories will help you flourish more fully.

  • Along the way, we may discuss: self-love, self-compassion, presence, mindfulness, and personal leadership. These topics will help you manage the parts of yourself that contribute to the overall experience of your day-to-day life.

  • Finally, I’ll guide you through the process of becoming the author of your own life story so that you’re able to defeat your inner critic and step more fully into the life or relationship your desire.


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